Thursday, March 24, 2011

Joe's spa - turning heater on & lighting pilot

Using the Spa Heater

 normal pool operation

    spa operation

    1.Turn valves 180 degrees as pictured above.

    2.Turn on heater (toggle switch above), make sure temperature dial is turned all the way to the left.
    *** heater should turn on w/in 30 seconds
     ***wait until water is desired temperature before turning on air blower.

    3.When done using spa, turn valves back to pool operation position.

    ***let pool pump run another ten minutes to allow pipes and heat exchanger to cool down 

    Lighting the Pilot

    1.Read the instructions inside the heater (remove front panel by raising it up and pulling it out)

    2.turn the gas valve to pilot.

     3.Find the pilot generator ... bottom right behind pilot tube.

    4.Using a  long fireplace lighter, hold flame to pilot generator while holding down the gas valve in "pilot" position.
    5.Continue holding down the gas valve in "pilot" position for 20 seconds or longer.
    6.Release holding down valve & turn gas valve to "on" position.
    7.look & check if pilot light stays lit.
    8.Replace front panel on heater before flipping toggle switch to turn on heater.

    ***heater is ready to turn on.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    top picks for skimmer baskets ... big difference

    If you have certain trees around your pool, then this time of year can be quite challenging keeping your pool clean.Specifically, live oaks have what I call "hard shell" leaves and they fall constantly in the spring. As they fill up the skimmers, the pool pump starves for water and will suck in air causing the pump motor to get hot and eventually eliminating the system's ability to filter the water causing it to get cloudy.

    Simple solution in most cases is to add new skimmer baskets ... depending on what type of skimmer you have (usually indicated by the name on the skimmer lid), here's our top choices to keep up with those hard shell leaves:

    • American products and Aladdin make a skimmer basket with a floating weir ... these can also fit in Pentair skimmers. The basket is very deep and much sturdier than others. The weir never wears out or gets stuck like normal weirs do, and they are not prone to sucking air as quickly as others


    • SwimPro Baskets - next best skimmer is one with a middle that comes up, allowing water to get to pump even when basket is full of leaves. 

     Naturally, the more you clean the baskets the cleaner your pool will be but the type of basket you have will make a huge difference! Also, don't forget to clean out the pump basket every time you empty out the skimmer baskets.